Anonymous Expressions
Anonymously Express What's Honest and True & See Ways it Benefits You!

The Evolution of Anonymous Expressions
By The Anonymous Instigator
Once upon a time in Salt Lake City, Utah there was a young girl with a kind and loving heart and a strong desire to express it. She had an aunt who lived nearby who had many qualities that she greatly admired. One day when her heart was full, she wrote a note of gratitude and appreciation for this special aunt that she chose not to sign, trusting that the aunt who surely had many admirers would have no idea who had written it.
This filled the young girl with joy and happiness and gave her heart full abundant expression, for in keeping herself as the writer a secret, it was as if the whole town was writing this note of great love. Her heart had found wings of joyful expression for she astutely realized that it was the message that was important, not the messenger, and that notes of gratitude and honor sent without the need or desire for recognition had even more powerful rewards. She would smile in secret for the rest of her life, knowing that everyone who received her anonymous expressions would have to wonder who felt so highly of them. This secret joy grew to encompass sending many creative Honoring Awards and deeply appreciating many exceptional people who received them over the years.
As a young adult, our budding anonymous writer had a neighbor that was very mean and unhappy as her husband had run off with his younger secretary. One day in a moment of compassion she sent a “Secret Friend Award”, to this angry neighbor, mentioning some positive things about her. Soon many of her other neighbors were noticing how this angry woman had changed. She was suddenly pleasant to everyone, as she realized each might be her admirer or secret friend.

Was she in love? Did she win the lottery? Everyone made guesses. As they all celebrated our neighbor’s newfound kindness, the smile in the heart of the anonymous writer remained immensely glowing, while her outward appearance remained calm and curious.
As this anonymous writer matured as a woman, her visionary voice grew to include sending anonymous “Honesty Letters” to people who are vicious gossips, as she clearly saw how destructive this insanity is. She sent many strong messages like this for the purpose of waking people up from their unconscious negative behaviors. Retaining her autonomy continually gave her a voice of greater vision, honesty and purpose without the fear of retaliation. She has sent powerful letters of every variety to family, friends, coworkers, officials, politicians, teachers and more.
As our anonymous instigator’s inner-personal rewards and creativity blossomed, she created over thirty-five “Honoring Awards.” She became committed to honoring those who clearly inspired her, with custom awards like: “Spirit of Kindness, Glorious Gratitude, Humanitarian Healing, Hug Therapy, Lifelong Learning Awards and more!
She also became dedicated to encouraging the education of those whose choices we all find challenging, and created over twenty “Sassy Awards” like: Mindless Moocher, Master of Con Artistry, Cantankerous Old Coot, Drama Queen of the Universe, Coercive Co-worker Awards and more!

Our anonymous instigator has found the secret freedom to honestly express her emotional truth with the evolved and courageous voices of both the passionate, protective warrior and the grateful, honoring appreciator.
She is often quoted as saying, “Perhaps the first, final, simplest and most direct way into awakening and learning to honor yourself, lies in actively honoring other people. Send an award that honors what is honest and true, and know that it reflects what is honorable about you too!”
May the silent prayers of the anonymous instigator touch your mind, heart and soul? May her intentions for evolving and inspiring your courageous voice, to express your honest emotional truth, resonate with our universal wisdom and be forever realized and expressed
Bless her, as she has blessed so many others in loving and honest ways. We honor her for creating a safe haven where telling the truth is always fun, rewarding and safe. "Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do." Rumi
She is a popular quest on television, blog radio programs and also at special events, sharing her universal wisdom and comedy show with large audiences.
She is grateful to be of service and may be contacted below.
Anonymous Expressions
PO Box 1032 Oakridge, Oregon 97463
Grateful to be of service world-wide~