In Honor of My Grandmother
A poem written for my grandmother Edith Mellen
Eat with Mellen is surely her real name, cuz if it’s pot roast with garlic that’s her best game,
But then there’s oxtail stew, quilts and crafts and the way her eyes sparkle when she freely laughs.
Handmade gifts and smiles that lifts
Cubby bear stories, remembering the past, helping us to treasure all that’s meant to last.
Classes of little ones faithfully taught, 7-Up with apricot drinks when you’re hot.
A house full of guests from the East’s or the West’s
Mysteries and romances in the cute way she dances,
Life’s little imperfections she never cares to hide, because they’ll never be seen on a galloping horse and that’s the kind she’ll ride~
A goodhearted giggle and a goodhearted wiggle~
Her humor and witty ways that pass the slow days,
Foot rubs and little people loves,
Dirty hands and feet were crazy eights, she’ll be playing her way through the pearly gates,
A tune on the organ, her sweet voice a singing, the kids join in and the trailers a ringing.
Our childhood stories that make us blush, a word of wisdom, a loving touch,
She’s taught me to laugh at the mistakes I’ve made, that could then be forgiven and easily waylaid,
A pat on the back, an evening snack,
Shaky postcards with messages so clear, thank you for the thoughts my dear.
Rum raisin pie, good laughs until we cry,
She make sure aunt Muriel is always cared for and no matter what she has, she’ll always give more.
Praising lunches with Grandma Elaine, till I’m swooning with swelling of the brain.
So many kindnesses she easily remembers, s’mores melting on campfire embers.
She’s never been fussy and bossy she is not, and when you feel hurt she’ll even wipe up your snot!
Racehorse mommy, more food for your tummy,
Dilly beans and pickled beets, good conversations, my favorite of treats.
You’re in her prayers day and night, she loves you regardless of your current plight.
If there’s any way she will put you to the test, it’s with her gratitude because it’s the best.
She’s been tried and true to each of you, through all the years, troubles and tears.
For us, her lucky family, we’ve always come first. She celebrated each and every one of our births.
She’ll love you tomorrow without any doubt and that my brothers and sisters is Clout!
My friends they all love her and ask how she is, they always say such wonderful things,
About the joy and smiles she always brings.
She likes trips to Woodland, Ferron or Logan, just say the word and she’ll be a going!
She’ll take you to the spa, let you borrow her car
She’ll always show up for whatever you’re involved in, she’ll join in and grin, so glad to be kin.
My greatest example she truly has been.
She’ll laugh appropriately through thick or through thin.
From now till forever so keep us together.
Thank you grandma dear, we will cherish this forever.
You’re a seasoned blend of the human and the divine.
I’m so grateful for grandmothers and that your mine!!

Written for my grandmother Edith Lehman Mellen in honor of her 80th birthday
by Iris K. Betts-Barratt September 9, 1989 Ain't we cute~